• If you are one of the American’s who can’t afford health insurance – you are not alone. The past year has caused a level of financial insecurity for millions of Americans that haven’t been seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And, with lawmakers in Washington, as of yet, unable to [...]

  • Basic or budget auto insurance meets your state's minimum coverage requirements but might not cover an entire claim in the event of a car accident. While basic coverage saves you money on monthly premiums, you are on-the-hook for higher out-of-pocket expenses when it comes to your coverage limits. Budget car insurance is [...]

  • If you are looking for cheaper or limited coverage, catastrophic health insurance might be right for you. In general, catastrophic insurance plans are less expensive per month than a standard HMO insurance plan. But, how do you know if it is the right thing for you?  Learn everything you need to know [...]

  • When a natural event, such as a forest fire, hurricane, or severe hail causes damage to your home, you need hazard insurance. Hazard insurance provides coverage for homeowners against specific weather events. Every hazard policy includes some differences, and you might need different weather events included depending on where you live.  Learn [...]

  • If your business owns a large number of assets, you should consider getting commercial umbrella insurance. If your business maxes out its general liability coverage, umbrella insurance provides additional coverage for predetermined liability risk. And, one of the most common risks to your general liability is property assets.  So, does your business [...]

  • When it comes to health insurance, there are several different types of health insurance to choose from. Whether you are shopping for health insurance from your State marketplace, or through a health insurance broker, it helps to be familiar with the options that you will encounter. This is your complete guide to [...]

  • The last thing you want to find in your home is mold damage – especially if the home is a recent purchase. Homeowners insurance provides coverage for many types of damage to your property. But, it only takes one fuzzy spot on your ceiling or walls to make you wonder, “does homeowners [...]

  • When considering life insurance coverage options, it is important to understand the differences between term vs whole life insurance. Whole life insurance is a way to provide yourself extra income in retirement, as well as lifelong coverage. Term life insurance, on the other hand, is less expensive because it provides coverage for [...]

  • If you are an auto owner in Michigan, you better know what just happened that affects your insurance. As of July 1, 2020, the State reformed how claims are covered under it’s no fault system. So, how does the 2020 Michigan no fault insurance reform affect your auto insurance? Learn everything you [...]

  • You know that health insurance, car insurance, and life insurance is important to you – personally. But, can you say the same for your business? If the answer is anything, but a resounding ‘yes’, it’s time you should be asking, “what is commercial insurance and what should I know about the coverage [...]