August 14, 2023

Don’t let uncertainty keep you from security. Our expert agents are here to help.

Meet Sara Garay, Lelieart Insurance Agency’s bilingual sales agent. Sara’s working background includes Medicare and life insurance sales, and six years at State Farm. She joined Lelieart Insurance Agency in 2023 and has been proudly serving the Hispanic community since 2014.
“It’s important for me that you understand what you’re paying for,” Sara said.
“Insurance is not a product like the lights in your vehicle; if the lights are off, you don’t see any light. With insurance, people often don’t notice the issue until they need help. You can be with a carrier for years and forget about your coverages. I like to remind people and review policies to tell them what they’re paying for.”
Upon entering the insurance industry, Sara wasn’t aware of how underserved the Hispanic population was when it came to coverage. But the more she worked with them, the more she realized how she could help.
Clients may not understand the different types of coverage, why they need it or how it could protect them. Sara has made it her mission to educate her clients about the importance of insurance and guide them in selecting the right coverage for their specific needs.
“I found that because Leliaert has access to so many different programs, we can help more people,” she said. “Even when someone has issues with their driver’s license, they can still have insurance.”
When it comes to car insurance, it’s vital to choose the right coverage level. Clients often ask her why their policy covers one type of damage and not another. Sara is able to explain the difference between basic liability and full coverage, how home insurance works, what it covers and what it doesn’t.
“It’s not just the law,” Sara said. “I’ll explain why you need it and what you are protecting. You’re protecting everything that you work for and everybody that you work for. That’s what I’ve enjoyed most about my work, the education.”
Offering Peace of Mind with Life Insurance
Life insurance is another critical topic for Sara’s clients and policyholders with families or spouses.
“I’ve had clients come in and say, ‘I’m worried. I’m worried if something happens to me, what’s going to happen to my kids?,’” she recalled.
Sara’s devotion to clients provides them with peace of mind, as she explains the different types of life insurance policies and how they work.
“I myself was a single mother for a long time and I know that I need to have my stuff planned out,” she said. “What’s going to happen to me? What’s going to happen to my children? Who’s going to take care of them? And they’re going to need money for that. So I have to be prepared.”
She admits it’s hard to get people to come in sometimes and stresses how it’s essential to have that one-on-one consultation.
Don’t Be Left Stranded — Consider Trip Interruption Coverage
When Sara isn’t working, she and her family enjoy mapping their next trip and camping. She’s traveled to almost every state and visited national parks like Yellowstone, Zion and the Grand Canyon.
One thing, she says, many travelers overlook is the importance of trip interruption coverage. She knows firsthand how it can help.
“When we were coming back from Las Vegas, my engine blew. It was 3 a.m., we were in southern Illinois, about 6 hours away from home,” she recalled. “I had to call for a tow. The truck took me to the nearest mechanic, and we dropped off the car. The tow truck was awesome and took us to a hotel where we stayed the night — and the next night too. I. Think they had to change transmission and they had to wait for a part. Seven people stuck in a hotel! Trip interruption helped me with the hotel and helped with food.”
This coverage can protect you if you have to cancel or postpone your trip due to unforeseeable events like illness, a natural disaster, vehicle issues or a death in the family. The average cost of trip interruption coverage varies, but it’s usually a percentage of your overall trip cost.
It’s a good idea to speak with a knowledgeable agent like Sara to ensure you have the right coverage before embarking on your next adventure.
How Leliaert Insurance Agency Can Help
Lelieart Insurance Agency is committed to helping our clients select the best coverage for their needs. Our expert agents are skilled in understanding the unique insurance required for a range of clients. Lelieart Insurance Agency offers a range of options, including car insurance, home insurance, life insurance and more, with bilingual agents, such as Sara, who can communicate with Spanish-speaking clients.
Whether it’s sharing knowledge with clients, guiding them to sufficient coverage or ensuring they’re protected while traveling, Sara and the agency are always here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive policy options!